Waldsafe is a campaign aiming to spread safety awareness throughout the Wald Family Foods plants in Omaha, Nebraska and McPherson, Kansas.
Through this campaign, Wald Family Foods strives to reduce the number of accidents that occur at our facilities, instill in every team member a deep knowledge of safe methods and procedures, and make safety resources easily accessible to all.
From safety poster contests to regular safety training to the Shoes for Crews program, Waldsafe is a fun, informational, and beneficial resource that will impact not only you, but the people that you love, as well.
What does it mean to be WaldSafe?
Let’s break it down.
Safe People
Safe people are cautious, care for themselves and their co-workers, respect the facility and its equipment, and take pride in the products they manufacture.
- Cautious people know their surroundings and are careful near hazardous or potentially hazardous things and environments, such as operating equipment, moving vehicles, and wet floors.
- People that care for themselves avoid doing things that would bring them pain and suffering.
- People that care for others look for ways to help when needed, watch out for those around them, and don’t want to see other people get hurt.
- People that respect a facility and its equipment strive to keep things in good working order by following operating procedures and keeping up with maintenance.
- People that take pride in our products ensure that only safe, quality foods exit our buildings.
Safe Facilities
Safe facilities are well-maintained, have properly functioning equipment, are staffed with First Responders, have storm shelters in place, and are quick to remove or successfully mitigate any hazards.
- Well-maintained facilities are timely in making repairs, ensure exits are clearly marked and unobstructed, and always keep things in their proper place.
- Properly functioning equipment is achieved via preventive and predictive maintenance programs. Parts are not robbed from one machine to fix another. A thoughtful inventory of replacement parts is on hand at all times.
- Well-trained First Responders are dispersed evenly among shifts and areas of the facility. They know how to quickly retrieve and effectively use the first aid kit and AED device.
- A storm shelter is a safe place for employees to gather during dangerous weather. It should be easily identifiable on maps throughout the facility.
- Any facility hazards that can be removed (slip hazards, trip hazards, etc.) should be solved by the first employee that sees them. Other hazards, such as chemicals (locked up), forklifts (slow down), and machines (lock-out, tag-out) require mitigation.
Safe Food
Safe Foods are free from foreign materials, chemicals, and pathogens, and have been properly and carefully handled throughout the entire manufacturing process.
- Foreign materials can be anything from machinery metal, plastic shavings, glove tears, hair, or even wood pieces from pallets. All products are thoroughly examined through a combination of visual inspection and metal detection. Any product that shows physical contamination is prohibited from leaving the building for sale.
- Pathogens can be bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi. Proper hand washing, glove wearing, and sanitation practices help to prevent and eliminate these pathogens. If you are ill, stay home.
- Chain of custody is a crucial aspect of food manufacturing. From the moment raw goods enter our facilities, strict policies and procedures are maintained throughout the entire manufacturing process to keep the food safe and free from contamination.