Last week, we awarded the first WaldSafe Challenge Coin to Ethan Hummel, Quality Technician Lead at Bridger Court!

To earn the challenge coin, Ethan went above and beyond expectations to ensure and encourage safe facilities, safe people, and safe food. Ethan is now the safety committee lead, where he helps with safety orientation for new hires. He’s training others to put safety first in the facilities and encourages others to verbalize any issues or concerns they might have.



“Ethan has done an AMAZING job with any and all tasks that we give him. He jumps in and helps where needed without being asked with a positive attitude,” said Ethan’s manager, Ashley Johnson. “Ethan is eager to learn more about not only his position but the company and safety as a whole. He is a “model employee,” and he has worked hard to earn the first EVER safety coin. We can’t thank him enough for all he does to promote our safety motto.”

This milestone was rewarded with a celebration for Ethan alongside some of the Bridger Court team. Congratulations, Ethan, on winning the first WaldSafe Challenge Coin. You are so appreciated!